Monday, March 29, 2010

In Kitty Hawk

Spent the night at Walmart. Rather comfy if you don't mind car shaking levels of wind.

I met a German couple that are doing something very similar to me but they have their German licence plated Mercedes Camper (late 80's, early 90's looking). Bathroom, kitchen , sleeping loft... and two front seats (what a fantasy, LOL). They had their dog with them too and he needs a ramp to get in the side sliding door. They were kind of befuddled when they realized that a young american was basically doing he same thing they were doing. But I don't have to worry about my visa running out like they are. Anyway it was an interesting standoffish encounter with some Germans in a Walmart parking lot in North Carolina at 9 at night.

Woke up before the sun and went to get my sunrise from the atlantic ocean view. Too cloudy.

Jockey Ridge State Park has a great exhibit on sand and dunes and its not all piping-plover-centric like Cape Cod and the Hamptons.

Had my "Ground School" hang gliding training. Ready to fly! Waiting for the deluge to stop.

Now I'm off to find a place to camp, maybe. Walmart's price was hard to argue with.

I hope one of us gets to see the sun today ;)


  1. No sun here. Spending my first day of spring break writing thank you notes for Daddy's services. Not fun at all.

    The weather up here is supposed to clear by Thursday/Friday. I hope you get some good weather before then to enjoy the Outer Banks. The town my friends love is Ocracoke Island (

    Big hug from BK,

  2. It's raining cats and dogs here until Wednesday. More talk of flooding and FEMA assistance. Not a sunny spring for traveling. Can't wait to see photos of Kitty Hawk and hang gliding. Is it warm, at least?

  3. If it helps at all its been raining here too most of March. Crazy amounts of flooding. The ground under the D line even washed out at one point.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello from Meghan and Nate, your hang gliding buddies from Tuesday morning! Hope the rest of your lessons have gone well and that you're well on your way to Hang 1 certification. I have pictures of you hang gliding. Email me at and I'll send them to you. Best of luck with the rest of your adventures!
