Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some thoughts

I haven't been blogging as much lately.
I haven't been traveling. I've been at Lookout Mountain Hanggliding School. (

And as you know its usually easy for my to go on and on about where I've been and where I'm going. Well, let's just say I have a 1 ton critique on 2 hang gliding schools that I don't want to drop till I get out of here. The way I've been putting it to the other students (which a few seem to share my concerns), is that I don't want to torch the house while I'm still inside of it. Either way, there are some people here who have pissed me off beyond belief and shouldn't be working at a school.

Let me be clear, I'm safe... In the air and on the ground.

Its just that when you pay for first class instruction, you tend to expect first class treatment and accommodations. Being directed to an outhouse to take a leak when you are taking a class at a 3 building complex on a main road, while the staff gets to use a fully plumbed restroom, is like being sent to the "Colored" fountain. There are people here on the $1600 VIP package and being sent to a an F-ing outhouse.

You know this isn't masonspoliticallycorrectadventure right? Well, be advised ;)

My pilot light has been lit, LOL

Max says hi. He's cool and loves chasing me flying off the training hills.

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